Enhancement aids are an optionable use in conjunction with Res Sacrae Gem Catalyst, Refined Vasilisa Scales and the Processed Corrupt Corpse Doll variants to enhance , Vasilisa Equipment, and Falouros Armor respectively. Enhance aids can only be used to enhance gear of or below their level.


[Lv.470] Enhance Aids are obtainable by chance from clearing Saint’s Sacellum and Delmore Battlefield goddess raids.

[Lv.480] Enhance Aids are obtainable by chance from Unknown Sanctuary’s second floor and clearing the hard mode Turbulent Core - Reservoir of Corruption raid.

Release Date: 24 August 2021
Category Material
Grade Rare
Weight 1.0
Stackable Yes
Tradability Market
Team Storage
Description Supplement used when enhancing the equipment.

Right-click to transform it into a usable ingredient. |

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Unknown Sanctuary

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Saint’s Sacellum

Turbulent Core - Reservoir of Corruption