<aside> ⚠️ Stat Points displayed are the required number to hit the cap (except for WBR / JSR). Gaining additional points in that stat sub stat will no longer benefit the players unless they are suffering from a debuff.


<aside> ⚠️ Weekly Boss Raid / Joint Strike Raid Monsters have their stats displayed (not the value required to cap as racial modifiers are applied to the monsters stats and may drastically alter the cap values). Racial modifiers are displayed below the monster database.


Boss Monsters

These multipliers apply to Weekly Boss Raid (WBR) and Joint Strike Raid (JSR) bosses.

Untitled (https://ariacademy.notion.site/9a376a9efb224a1f8938a1e5110941e2) Untitled (https://ariacademy.notion.site/65fbc970b7cc40258cb91248a408749d) Untitled (https://ariacademy.notion.site/4eb8533766124c659320327af2b8f08e) Untitled (https://ariacademy.notion.site/9b166542bc8d43b88289037e5397e924) Untitled (https://ariacademy.notion.site/daa3af0451e74b8cb8447abf93298bb9)
HP 100% 120% 80% 100% 80%
P.ATK 130% 100% 80% 70% 120%
M.ATK 70% 100% 80% 130% 120%
P.DEF 120% 100% 130% 80% 90%
M.DEF 80% 100% 130% 120% 90%
ACCU 100% 180% 100% 100% 70%
EVA 100% 0% 100% 100% 140%
BLK 100% 110% 60% 100% 70%
BLKPEN 100% 90% 140% 100% 120%
CRATE 120% 50% 100% 120% 130%
CRES 80% 150% 100% 80% 70%