Guild Territory Wars (GTW) is a guild-oriented PvP game mode where guilds can battle each other to seize one of the game’s Spot Area maps.

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Players without guilds or TOS Support Guild members cannot participate in Territory Wars.




Map Name Rewards
Genar Field 10% tax on Klaipeda’s NPCs, Unknown Sanctuary Buff usage pays the guild owning this map, and 2.5% tax on global market fees
Aqueduct Bridge Area 10% tax on Fedimian’s NPCs, Unknown Sanctuary Buff usage pays the guild owning this map, and 2.5% tax on global market fees
Baron Allerno 10% tax on Orsha’s NPCs, Unknown Sanctuary Buff usage pays the guild owning this map, and 2.5% tax on global market fees
Nuoridin Falls 2.5% tax on global market fees
Sventimas Exile 2.5% tax on global market fees
Salvia Forest 2.5% tax on global market fees

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Tree of Savior